IoT-Life 2024A

The 5th Workshop on Impact of Internet of Things on Daily Life (IoT-Life) Program ( October 6, 2024 )

14:00~14:50 Keynote Talk.

Understanding and Supporting Humans through Technology Convergence of IoT, Big Data and AI

Qun Jin, Professor, Foreign Fellow of EAJ (The Engineering Academy of Japan)

Faculty of Human Sciences, Waseda University, Japan

Abstract: The grand challenges facing human society in 21st century, such as protecting human health, cannot be solved by one discipline alone. In this talk, we will present our vision and work on understanding and supporting humans through convergent research and with technology convergence of IoT, big data, and AI, such as comprehensive health data analysis for healthcare, IoT-enhanced living support and well-being promotion for the elder people.

Biography: Qun Jin is a professor in the Department of Human Informatics and Cognitive Sciences, Waseda University, Japan. He has been extensively engaged in research works in the fields of computer science, information systems, and human informatics. His recent research interests cover behavior and cognitive informatics, health informatics, AI and machine learning, IoT, big data, personal analytics and individual modeling, trustworthy platforms for data federation, sharing, and utilization, cyber-physical-social systems, and applications in healthcare and learning support and for the realization of a carbon-neutral society.

15:00~16:00 Parallel Session Part 1.

  • (888) Analyzing the Influence of Driving Experience on Difference Reverse Parking Behaviors through Eye-Tracking Data Analysis
    • Qirun Wang, Xuan Huang, Bo Wu*
  • (1025) HFVR: Free-Viewpoint Reconstruction of Moving Humans from Monocular Video
    • Jincheng Xiao, Zhigang Gao, Rui Huang*, Jianwen Feng, Xionglong Li
  • (1039) Detecting Small Objects Using Multi-Scale Feature Fusion Mechanism with Convolutional Block Attention
    • Xionglong Li, Kun Yang, Rui Huang*, Bingqin Zhou, Jincheng Xiao, Zhigang Gao
  • (1357) Ubi-Care: An Elderly Life Support Healthcare Framework Based on Ubiquitous Personal Online Data Stores
    • Hong Chen, Tao Zhou*, Bo Wu

16:10~17:00 Parallel Session Part 2.

  • (1225) A Sequential Pattern Mining Approach for Situation-Aware Human Activity Projection
    • Giuseppe D’Aniello*, Roberto Falcone, Matteo Gaeta, Zia Ur Rehman, Giancarlo Fortino
  • (1108) Multimodal Federated Learning Via Local-Global Fusion
    • Zilin Xia, Min Tan, Zhigang Gao*, Lingqiang Chu, Tingting Han
  • (1109) DAS-COD: Depth-Aware Camouflaged Object Detection Via Swin Transformer
    • Chenye Lu, Min Tan, Zhigang Gao*, Xiaoyang Mao, Zilin Xia
  • (734) An Explainable Machine Learning Approach for Heartbeat Classification through Signal-Based Features
    • Paolo Sorino, Gianluca Colonna, Domenico Lofù*, Tommaso Colafiglio, Angela Lombardi, Fedelucio Narducci, Tommaso Di Noia

Important Info.

Address of Workshop

Classroom@38, roundtable.

Meeting start time:

October 6, 2024 14:00~.

Online participation:

Available, please refer to the links below.

Topic: International workshop on the Impact of IoT on Daily Life on SMC2024

Zoom Link:

meeting No.: 850 5900 5113

password: 972462

Alternate Link (when zoom unavailable):


password: 972462

*If you have any questions about the program please contact the general chairs.

General Chairs.

Yishui Zhu, Chang’an University, China,

Bo Wu, Tokyo University of Technology, Japan,

Hong Chen, Daiichi Institute of Technology, Japan,